Xiaojihan Coal Mine – A More Compact, Reliable and Robust UF solution for Wastewater Reuse
44% Increase in capacity
2-6x Longer lifetime

Xiaojihan Coal Mine Wastewater Reuse
To meet the new Zero-Liquid Discharge (ZLD) regulations governing wastewater treatment, the Xiaojihan Coal Mine, a member of the China Huadian Group, had to expand the capacity of its wastewater management system. They needed to:
- Increase capacity to process “difficult-to-treat” wastewater to comply with stringent regulatory requirements.
- Overcome performance and reliability challenges of the installed PUF system that compromised treatment capacity and required significant maintenance to prevent reverse osmosis (RO) failures.
Nanostone’s CM-151 ceramic ultrafiltration membrane system provided a clear choice to tackle the problems
- Implement a trouble-free option, alleviating pressure on operations
- Restore treatment capacity to meet ZLD requirements and new environmental regulations
- Improve efficiency, reduce maintenance, and ensure reliable performance, resulting in a lifetime 2-6 times longer than the PUF system
- Increase overall treatment capacity by 44% without additional pre-treatment
Nanostone’s CM-151 ceramic ultrafiltration membrane system provided a clear choice to tackle Xiaojihan’s difficult-to-treat wastewater. The outstanding anti-fouling characteristic of the CM-151 ceramic membrane required fewer chemical cleanings. In addition, the unique, patented monolith design of the CM-151 tolerates higher incoming water variability, which optimized the overall process operation by eliminating the pre-filter step (see below). The absence of fibers in the ceramic matrix meant that fiber breakage would no longer be an issue. The CM-151 ceramic system provided more reliable and effective performance which, in turn, stabilized the downstream RO system and allowed Xiaojihan to meet and exceed its increased capacity demand.
The 9.2 MGD ceramic UF system helped the Xiaojihan Coal Mine meet all environmental regulations and optimize the entire treatment process. By investing in Nanostone’s CM-151 ceramic UF system, the mine operators have a robust, reliable long-term solution for consistent efficiency and quality.